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For Those Who Feel that Any Harm
to Animals is Inhumane

Many individuals believe that gophers "deserve to live" however, they never consider the price of keeping gophers around. Eventually, the gophers will become so destructive that even the most hardcore animal rights supporters understand the reasons behind trapping them. The traps we use are not snares, foot or leg traps. We use only gopher traps, which instantly kill. We do not believe in making any animal suffer.

If you find these photos offensive, I apologize. My intent is to show you that I am a successful trapper. Everybody who works for TheGopherGuy, likes working outdoors. We are always a happy bunch, but don’t let us give you the wrong impression. We love animals, nature, and the outdoors. We are amazed to watch gopher and mole behavior and how those critters can move dirt. However, when they attack our garden, and we do mean ATTACK and WIPE OUT, that is when we have a problem with them. We tried many different types of abatement techniques and trapping equipment. Using our GopherGoner© trap is effective and humane. If there is any way to remove these animals from our yard and garden without harm, we will do so. We have demonstrated our commitment to natural predation, and to the Hungry Owl Project. Until science discovers a way to alter the reproductive cycles of gophers and moles, we will take matters into our own hands using a humane tool that works for us: The GopherGoner© Trap

Best Regards,
The Gopher Guy
Click on the link Testimonials to view photos

To set up an appointment, you can e-mail us with your information, including your day and evening telephone number. Please include your city.

Telephone (707) 537-1415

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